Recipe: Beef kidney
Beef kidney recipe, a very advantageous dish for its price, I cooked it with cream. Cooking beef kidney is less delicate than cooking veal kidney, it can be cooked for longer and can be reduced in a cream sauce. For the beef kidney preparation, you can ask your butcher to trim them for you, otherwise you can go to the article how to prepare a kidney. Beef kidney served with homemade mashed potatoes, of course.
Recipe ingredients
- Beef kidney recipe for 2 people:
- 1 Beef kidney
- 2 shallots
- 1 clove of garlic
- Heavy cream
- 2 tablespoons of frying oil
- 15g butter
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
- Salt and pepper, 5 berries
- Trim the kidneys or have them prepared by your butcher.
- Cut the kidney lengthwise into three parts.
- Slice the beef kidney into pieces following the shape of the kidney.
- Heat the pan very hot with oil.
- Sear the kidneys in the steaming oil and stir with a wooden spoon, for 3 to 4 minutes.
- rinse the kidneys under the tap in a colander to extract all the fat.
- Place the kidneys in the pan and rinse them with lukewarm water.
- Wash the pan and utensils.
- Heat the pan with the butter.
- Peel then finely chop the shallots and garlic.
- Sear the shallot and garlic in the pan.
- Add the pieces of beef kidneys, salt and pepper with the mignonette.
- Finish cooking the kidneys.
- Deglaze with soy.
- Add the cream and let the kidney sauce reduce then serve.
Preparation time: 15 minute (s)
Number of people: 2
Cooking time: 20 minutes
4 star rating: 1 review
What wine to drink with: Beef kidney
My favorite wine for this recipe: Saumur Champigny Grape variety Cabernet sauvignon; White cabernet
Temperature between 17 ° and 18 °
Beef kidney
Trim the kidney
Sear the kidneys
Flip the kidneys
Finish coloring
with clear water
Finish cooking
Add soy
Let reduce
Ready to eat
On a plate