Chorizo and Comté Verrine Recipe
I really like the chorizo, this time I had chosen a strong chorizo; Well…. I admit it is moving a bit. This verrine of chorizo and Comté, with its character, has not gone unnoticed. With this verrine of chorizo and Comté, we love madly or we don’t. The Comté gels the recipe with the chorizo, especially since I didn’t want to use too much cream in order to find the particular flavor of the Chorizo; the taste and the color were there for this very powerful recipe. This recipe was featured during VIP Home Cooking Parties, we all loved it. Chorizo and Comté Verrine: ideal for an aperitif dinner, this recipe can be prepared several days in advance, in fact it does not move.
Chorizo and Comté Verrine recipe for 8 small verrines:
- ½ strong chorizo
- 60 g of Comté
- 20 cl of liquid cream
- Pepper
- Slice the chorizo lengthwise, then cut it into quarters.
- Cut the Comté into cubes or grate it.
- Heat the cream with the chorizo pieces for 5 minutes.
- Leave to infuse for 10 minutes.
- Add the county.
- Mix the chorizo preparation with a plunger.
- Let the preparation cool.
- Pour into the verrines without touching the edges.
Preparation time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Number of people: 8 small verrines
4 star rating: 1 review
What wine to drink with: Chorizo and Comté Verrine
My favorite wine for this recipe: Beaujolais village Grape Gamay
Temperature between 12 ° and 14 °
Cut the chorizo into cubes
Rapper the county
Chorizo and Comté
Chorizo cream