Recipe: Clarified butter
Clarified butter. A recipe for making clarified butter. Clarified butter can be cooked at a high temperature of around 180 °. Clarified butter to prepare your homemade sauces, advantage this butter does not burn unlike normal butter.
- Recipe Clarified butter for 250 g
- 205 g butter
- Cut the butter into small, equal cubes.
- let the butter melt in a saucepan over very low heat without stirring.
- On heating the casein forms a foam on the surface and the fatty substance separates from the whey.
- Pour the melted butter into a smaller container.
- Remove the foam on the surface, which is the impurities in the butter.
- Collect the butter.
- Thus your butter will easily withstand high temperatures of around 180 °.
- Clarified butter does not burn.
- You can store it keep it for a long time without refrigeration
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 0 minutes
Number of people: 4
4 star rating: 1 review
Cut the butter
Let it melt
Pure butter