Port salut potato recipe
Summary : Potato stuffed with cheese, gently baked in the oven, the potatoes will sweetly flavor themselves. This cheese-stuffed potato recipe is an easy recipe to make. Port salut cheese which melts easily. Potato au port hi for an evening meal with my family, we are from the high potato where the potato is the queen. I admit that at home we do not eat potatoes regularly, but as the fries are coming to us, I will offer you many more potato-based recipes, such as potato au port salut.
Potato au port salut recipe for 4 people
Ingredients :
- 8 small potatoes
- 200 gr of port-salut
- 1 teaspoon of thyme
- Salt and pepper
- Preheat the oven to 180 °
- Wash the potatoes and brush them.
- Steam them for 7 minutes.
- Slice the potatoes ¾ every cm.
- Slice 5 mm thick port-hi triangles.
- Incorporate the port-salute at each notch.
- Prick with a large wooden spike to hold the potato in its shape.
- Sprinkle the thyme over the potatoes.
- Salt and pepper.
- Butter a meal that’s going in the oven.
- Store the potatoes.
- Place in a hot 180 ° oven for 15 minutes, just long enough for the cheese to melt and brown a little.
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Number of people: 4
4 star rating: 1 review
What wine to drink with: Potato au port salut
My favorite wine for this recipe Red Arbois Grape variety: Poulsard, trousseau, pinot noir
Temperature between 11 ° and 13 °