An ancestral way to taste meat or fish. Of course some will cry scandal and others will be captivated with these recipes. It is said that it would be the Cossacks who prepared the first Tartars. It was horse that he cut into pieces of about 1 cm to 2 cm. They salted them generously and then placed them under the saddle of their mount for about two hours. They tasted the meat which had emptied of almost all its blood during the passage under the saddle.
I am fond of tartare and particularly that of beef. I especially like to season it, well spiced with a quality wild pepper, but also and especially with caper flowers, very tasty. It is also traditional to add a little mustard. After that, it is up to everyone to do their preparation and to insist more or less on their favorite products.
If everyone can prepare their seasoning according to these tastes, it is on the other hand a custom that you should not change. Tartare is cut with a knife and for that you will need a very sharp knife. Me on that side I am lucky to have an Affilella sharpening machine, which the factory lent me. Suffice to say that all my knives cut and are super sharp.
Choose a quality piece of muscle with your butcher. If you are not equipped with a sharp blade, ask your butcher to cut it for you with a knife, but be careful the meat should not be cut too far in advance. Nothing more to do with Tartar preparations, the rules of hygiene have evolved since the time of the Cossacks.
Now a certain number of restaurateurs and great chefs present their menu of great tartars, prepared by chefs at the last minute, to name only the most famous Mauritian, Mexican, Russian, Laotian, Thai Tartars …
Cut the beef
Slice in the direction of the wires
Slice into strips
Finally slice into a cube
Seasoned tartare