Recipe: Trout with ham in Comté
Recipe for trout with ham and Comté, Franc Comtoises trouts married with Comté, a true marriage of convenience, we do not eat this fish often enough, so delicious. When we were little we would go fishing for them in the landscaped parks, it was madness they would jump on anything that touched the water that amused us. Now, bigger, frankly I don’t see what was pleasant. Well now there are still wild trout, where the fisherman follows the banks of the river almost on tiptoe, for fear of scaring away this beautiful wild trout which listens only to its shyness. And yet she is dealing with a passionate who is going to hunt her down to bring her to my kitchen… .. And of course I will honor her and taste her with even more respect. Good to be more serious the fisherman that I presented to you, I do not know him, I do not know if he exists, in any case for my trout it will be that of the supermarket ………………
Recipe ingredients
- Recipe for Trout with ham and Comté for 2 people:
- 2 calibrated trout
- 80g of old Comté
- 1 teaspoon ground pepper
- Ham
- Preheat the oven to 200 °
- Rinse the trout under the tap, then dry the fish with food paper.
- Season the inside of the fish with salt and pepper.
- Cut the Comté in half, then place it in the belly of the trout.
- Wrap the raw ham around the trout.
- Tie lightly to hold the ham.
- Butter a baking dish.
- Place the butter on the trout.
- Pepper generously.
- Place in the hot oven for 15 minutes.
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Number of people: 2
4 star rating: 1 review
What wine to drink with: Trout with ham and Comté
My favorite wine for this recipe: Alsace Muscat Grape Muscat
Temperature between 7 ° and 10 °
Rinse the trout
Stuff with the county
Bard with ham
Place a knob of butter